Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Re-entry: A Statement of Intent

 It's been over three years since I've posted here. My friends and I put down Warmachine for over a year before the pandemic hit. Then, the pandemic hit.

Recently, over the past couple months, we've been playing again. I've been building lists and making lots of terrain. I plan to start posting here, sharing the games we've played, the terrain I've built, and my thoughts on the game. 

I'm still playing Cygnar. I'll likely post battle reports as before, and possibly my views on what models are good and in what scenarios. 

But to start, I'll largely be sharing all the terrain pieces I've been putting together, because there are quite a few. I had started out by doing an image search for Warmachine Terrain, and I found a lot of inspiration. I even tried to copy a few pieces exactly, with varying levels of success. Mainly, I found inspiration. Some of my terrain has come out pretty good, other pieces not so much. 

I don't think Warmachine is in the same place as it was back in 2016 when I was playing more, which is too bad. When I'd looked for warmachine blogs, I found very few. Many of the blogs and discussion boards I used to follow have gone silent. But my hope is that there's a revival of sorts. I hope to be part of a local revival, at the least. This is a great game.

Stay tuned.

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