Thursday, June 29, 2023

Battle Report: Cygnar Storm Legion vs Khador Winter Korps

Cygnar (Wolfe) vs Khador (Borisyuk)

After all the story campaign shenanigans, Mark and I were glad to get together for an old fashioned Steamroller. We both brought MK4 armies, which felt like a novelty at this point.

Cygnar Storm Legion


  • Major Anson Wolfe
  • Courser
  • Stryker
  • Stryker
  • Alexia, Queen of the Damned (proxied by Alexia1)
  • Legionnaire Officer (proxied)
  • Sharpshooter
  • Arcane Mechanics
  • Stormblade Legionnaires (proxied by stormblades)
  • Legionnaire Standard Bearer (proxied)
  • Stormguard Legionnaires
  • Stormguard Legionnaires (proxied by various stormblades)

Khador Winter Korps

  • Kaptain Ilari Borisyuk
  • Medveditsa
  • Great Bear
  • Great Bear
  • Dire Wolf
  • Dire Wolf
  • Arkanists
  • Arkanists
  • Battle Mechanik
  • Battle Mechanik


We each placed four pieces of terrain. Mark placed three forests and a tree stump. I placed a house, lake, tall grass, and a graveyard which would act as rubble. Then I won the roll to go first, and Mark chose the side with the lake.

We both had brought defenses. Mark placed his spike trap in the zone, a barrier up against a forest, and a fire beside the building to prevent me from running through that small opening. I placed a spike trap near my flag and objective, a barrier centrally to hide behind, and a powder keg which I planned to use to get rid of the spike trap.

Cygnar Turn 1

Cygnar runs forward, placing snipe on the courser and arcane shield on the stryker.

Khador Turn 1

Khador runs up, one heavy taking the barrier with a mechanic, and on the other side, heavies get Iron Flesh and Superiority, and edge the zone just out of Cygnar's range.

Khador uses their Sapper card to remove Cygnar's Powder Keg, so that the Stryker can't throw it into the spike trap and remove it.

Cygnar Turn 2

Cygnar immediately uses the sapper card to remove the Khador spike trap in the zone, then the stormblades run to engage and spread out, the intent being to jam up the Khador heavies and prevent them from getting through, and allowing for a stormguard countercharge next turn. The second unit of stormguard on the opposite flank readies to charge anyone in their range, or failing that to charge the objective.

The three Cygnar warjacks put some damage on Khador heavies, the stormblade legionnaires get tough from a True Inspiration card, and Wolfe feats.

Khador Turn 2

Borisyuk feats, and the warjacks attack. The combination of the two feats is a beautiful mess, and queued out-of-turn activations quickly get sloppy. I'm nearly certain we got the correct number of activations, but we probably did some in the wrong order.

When the dust clears, Khador jacks have taken some damage, but all the stormblades and all but three stormguard out of the two units are dead, and Cygnar is left with no melee presence.

Cygnar Turn 3

With no apparent way to deal with all that red metal, Cygnar is left looking for assassination angles. Borisyuk has no focus and no cover, but is fairly far away. The courser gets a lucky armor piercing shot on Borisyuk, leaving him on one box, and because none of the Strykers are in range, one Stryker takes out an arkanist, which allows for an AoE from the second Stryker to include Borisyuk. The boosted blast damage ends the game.

(Cygnar Victory!)

Final Thoughts

  • If I hadn't been able to kill Borisyuk that last turn, I'd have been done for. My warjacks were entirely ranged. This may need to change in the future.
  • At the end of this match, we realized that Borisyuk can give himself stealth every turn. Future games will be different.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Battle Report: Orgoth Sea Raiders vs Skorne (Unlimited)

Orgoth (Horruskh) vs Skorne (Makeda2)

After how badly I'd been getting destroyed by the Orgoth recently in the Black Tide scenarios, we decided to take a break and play some vanilla Steamroller.


Orgoth Sea Raiders

  • Horruskh, The Thousand Wraths
  • Tyrant
  • Tyrant
  • Tyrant
  • Siege Tarask (proxied)
  • Vulcar Forge Master (proxied)
  • Reaver Commander (proxied)
  • Warwitch Coven
  • Warwitch Coven


Skorne (Unlimited)

  • Supreme Archdomina Makeda
  • Basilisk Krea
  • Bronzeback Titan
  • Molik Karn
  • The Wastelander
  • Cataphract Cetrati
  • Legends of Halaak
  • Paingiver Beast Handlers
  • Praetorian Ferox
  • Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
  • Venator Catapult Crew


 A burned out Khador building was placed in the central zone, and a wall near each outer zone. One zone had a small building spewing some kind of acid into a pool, and the Orgoth side had a gallows obstruction, a building, and a hill. Orgoth won the roll and decided to go first.

Orgoth deployed centrally. With no solos other than The Wastelander, I knew I'd be going for something other than a points victory. I set up the bellows crew to protect the catapult Ferox to sprint down the left, and beasts to go for the close zone.

Orgoth Turn 1

The reaver commander runs up to the objective, the siege tarrask runs towards the far zone, and the rest of the Orgoth horde lumbers down the center.

Skorne Turn 1


Fully aware that anything I place within the range of Titans on turn one won't make it to turn 2, I move the Ferox far less than their full speed, and carefully hide them behind a wall.

The catapult runs up and hides behind the edge of the Khador ruin, and the gobber blows smoke just in front. Cetrati sprint up the center and Makeda moves in behind, casting Deflection and Storm Rager.

The wastelander hides behind a building beside the acid, protecting the Krea and Molik Karn, and the Krea puts up Force Aura. The Bronzeback Titan runs up to the objective and the beast handlers move up behind to heal him in the unlikely event that Orgoth can reach that far with shots.

Orgoth Turn 2

The tyrants move up, and the first one nearly shoots the Bronzeback off the table, leaving him on three boxes. The second easily finishes it off, shoots the gobber who dropped smoke, and gets upset that there are no more targets in range.

Then Horruskh feats for extra armor.

Skorne Turn 2

Skorne makes its first and only attack of the battle, firing the catapult at a tyrant, hoping to hurt some warwitches with blast damage. Zero damage to anything.

The Ferox and Legends of Halaak run to engage, and the Cetrati slowly run up the center. The lone bellows crew member moves up and drops smoke, which Makeda hides behind. The krea moves in to help with a force aura.

Molik Karn is left in a tough spot - if he doesn't hide, the tarrask will drag him in and eat him. Perhaps I should have let that happen. Orgoth score a flag for one point.

Orgoth Turn 3

Orgoth does a bunch of stuff in the center and kills a bunch of models. Then a tyrant shoots out the objective and the siege tarrask runs to the zone.

That's one point for the objective, one for the zone, and one for the same flag, bringing Orgoth to 4.

Horruskh runs into the Orgoth zone for the win. Skorne never got an alpha.

(Orgoth Victory!)

Final Thoughts

  • When a Tyrant can one-round an ARM19 heavy at extreme range, I worry that there might be a balance issue.
  • This was my final attempt to fight Orgoth with the Skorne. I'm now convinced that victory is not at all possible.