Friday, May 20, 2022

Battle Report: Cygnar (Stryker2) vs Retribution (Issyria)

This was a game we'd played at our FLGS, The Battle Standard. I met up with a guy I'd only played once before, and we had another great game.

Cygnar (Storm Division)
  • Lord Commander Stryker
  • Squire
  • Lancer (Gremlin)
  • Ol' Rowdy
  • Firefly
  • Lieutenant Gwen Keller
  • Major Harrison Gibbs
  • Stormsmith Stormcaller
  • Storm Lances (max)
  • Stormsmith Storm Tower

Retribution of Scyrah (Forges of War)
  • Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn
  • Hemera
  • Manticore
  • Aeternae
  • Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
  • Arcanist Mechanik
  • Arcanist Mechanik
  • House Shyeel Arcanists
  • House Shyeel Battle Mages
  • Soulless Escort

The terrain on this winter map was all from the game shop. The centerpiece was the Gale Force Nine Khador Avalanche Cannon and its reloader. A small wall was on the opposite side of that zone, and across in the other zone was a massive forest. There was a small acid bath between the zones.


My opponent won the roll again, and this time he chose sides. He decided to take the side with the Khador Avalanche Cannon, leaving me with the bottleneck between the forest and other terrain. I decided to go first.

Cygnar Turn 1

The stormlance cavalry has a lot of movement, and if they move straight forward, they get shot. So they break left and head around the forest, squeezing through the tiny gap between the forest and a crater at the table's back edge.

The lancer and Ol'Rowdy take positions near the objective, and Stryker moves up base to base with Rowdy. The storm tower takes cover behind a pillar, and Gibbs hides behind the forest.

Retribution of Scyrah Turn 1


The battle mages move forward, positioning in two lines to avoid being entirely destroyed by electroleaps. The Manticore puts down covering fire in front of them. Hemera advances to Retribution's objective, and Aeternae moves into the far zone.

Cygnar Turn 2

The firefly moves up and takes out four battle mages with a storm blaster shot. Storm lances run around the forest and position far enough back to avoid being pulled in by battle mages and charged by the manticore. The storm tower moves up and shoots at Aeternae, but misses. Rowdy and the lancer do basically nothing.

Retribution of Scyrah Turn 2


Eiryss moves up and shoots at Stryker, and while she misses, she makes him very nervous. Hemera and the manticore put shots into the firefly and Rowdy, damaging both. Aeternae moves up and shoots Rowdy with an armor piercing shot.

Scoring begins, and Retribution scores both zones.

(Retribution 2, Cygnar 0)

Cygnar Turn 3


The storm lances move up and take out the rest of the battle mages with lightning shots, and one runs to engage the manticore. The storm tower disrupts Aeternae.

The lancer moves up and says “Come get some”. Rowdy moves base to base with Stryker, preparing to countercharge.

(Retribution 2, Cygnar 0)

Retribution of Scyrah Turn 3

Aeternae charges Ol'Rowdy and destroys him. The manticore walks over and takes out two storm lances. Hemera moves forward and beats up on the lancer, losing two cortex boxes in the attempt.

(Retribution 2, Cygnar 0)

Cygnar Turn 4


The firefly moves up and shoots at an arcanist, the lightning leaping into Issyria and two more arcanists, frying them. The storm lances charge and destroy the manticore.

Then Stryker overloads for three dice, gaining eleven points of strength and bringing his POW up to 26. He feats, destroys Aeternae, velocities up to Hemera, and destroys her as well. Gibbs hands Stryker a hot meal, healing him. Then his feat allows everyone to reposition. The tables have turned: only Issyria and two mechaniks remain.

(Retribution 2, Cygnar 1)

Retribution of Scyrah Turn 4

(no image)

The only chance Ret has is an unlikely assassination. Issyria flies over the Avalanche Cannon and puts blinding light onto Stryker, lowering his defense. Then the two arcanists make force strikes at Stryker, but miss.

(Retribution 2, Cygnar 3)

Cygnar Turn 5

Stryker overloads for just two dice, so as to not risk cooking himself to death, and kills Issyria.

(Cygnar Win!)

Final Thoughts

  • Having Stryker overload and kill two Retribution heavies the same turn that the stormlances took out the manticore was a huge swing.
  • It's been a while since I've played stormlances, and I forgot how good they are.
  • Retribution jacks are dangerous at range. They did some serious damage to my warjacks before anyone closed to melee.
  • My opponent's dice were insane in this game, rolling near max on probably half of his rolls.

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