Friday, August 19, 2022

Battle Report: Mercenaries (Gorten) vs Trollbloods (Ragnor)

This was a game I got to sit and observe recently during a weekend-long Warmachine get-together some friends and I had.


Gorten Grundback (Hammer Strike)

  • Gorten Grundback
  • Ghordson Earthbreaker
  • Hammerfall Siege Crawler
  • Horgenhold Forge Guard (max)
  • Stone Lord Guvul Godor

Troll deployment

Trollbloods (Power of Dhunia)

  • Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
  • Dire Troll Mauler
  • Storm Troll
  • Troll Impaler
  • Troll Impaler
  • Troll Impaler
  • Trollkin Runebearer
  • Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (min)



The scenario was Split Decision.

The terrain had open graves in one deployment zone, and a building and forest on the far side. The Khador burned-out ruin divided the zone from the side with flags, and between the flags was a forest and a fence.

Rhulic Turn 1 

End Rhulic Turn 1

Dwarves and their machines run forward.

Trollblood Turn 1 

End Troll Turn 1

Trolls run forward.

Rhulic Turn 2 

End Rhulic Turn 2

The forge guard run to engage the Boomhowlers.

The Siege Crawler shoots and crit staggers an impaler.

Trollblood Turn 2

End of Troll Turn 2

The Boomhowlers attack. They make lots of killshots, however all but two dwarves roll tough, and cannot be knocked down.

Impalers spear the Earthbreaker and Siege Crawler.

The Storm Troll hits the Siege Crawler with a lightning generator shot, but the 2 electroleaps do nothing.

A whelp runs up to be annoying, and the Trolls get 1 point from flag.

(Trollbloods 1, Mercenaries 0)

Rhulic Turn 3 

End Rhulic Turn 3

The Earthbreaker knocks down a large swath of Boomhowlers, and kills one dwarf. Then, the Siege Crawler shoots the knocked down Boomhowler, and kills two.

Guvul resurrects a dwarf, and the forge guard kill another boomhowler.

The trolls go to 2 points

(Trollbloods 2, Mercenaries 0)

Trollblood Turn 3 

End of Troll Turn 3

The Mauler gets rage and attacks the Earthbreaker, taking out an entire side.

The storm troll kills two dwarves, and hurts Greygore Boomhowler.

An impaler stands up and kills 2 dwarves in melee after they make a few no knockdown tough checks, and the other impaler kills a single dwarf.

(Trollbloods 3, Mercenaries 0)

Rhulic Turn 4 

End Rhulic Turn 4

Trolls are threatening to win on scenario, so Gorten feats, shoving the entire trollblood army four inches back. The Earthbreaker charges to contest the troll flag, and kills the Mauler. It then puts some damage on an impaler.

The Siege Crawler kills a krielstone grunt, and Guvul hurts an impaler.

(Trollbloods 3, Mercenaries 0)

Trollblood Turn 4

End of Troll Turn 4

The remaining Boomhowlers kill Guvul and one other dwarf. An impaler kills three dwarves through their tough checks.

The storm troll, who has lost his mind, punches a dwarf, but that dwarf toughs. An impaler attacks the earthbreaker in melee and does some damage.

Ragnor heals the third impaler, who then kills the Earthbreaker.

(Trollbloods 4, Mercenaries 0)

Rhulic Turn 5 

End Rhulic Turn 5

Forge guard continue pounding on the storm troll and impaler, while the siege crawler bulldozes and runs down a whelp, and then shoots out every Boomhowler other than the leader.

Gorten aims and shoots the whelp on flag, killing him and putting off a troll victory.

(Trollbloods 4, Mercenaries 0)

Trollblood Turn 5 

End of Troll Turn 5

At this point, the trolls only need a single point to win. The impaler kills a dwarf who's engaging, and a second impaler kills a contesting dwarf in the forest.

Ragnor casts chosen ground for pathfinder, takes the flag and wins.

(Trollbloods 5, Mercenaries 0)

End game

Final Thoughts

  • From where I was sitting, this just looked like two armies running at each other and punching.

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