Friday, September 23, 2022

Battle Report: Skorne (Rasheth) vs Trollbloods (Ragnor)



Skorne (Masters of War)

  • Dominar Rasheth
  • Aptimus Marketh
  • Desert Hydra 
  • Basilisk Krea
  • Agonizer
  • Extoller Soulward
  • Extoller Soulward
  • The Wastelander
  • Croak Raiders (min)
  • Cataphract Incendiari (max)
  • Praetorian Keltarii (min)

Troll deployment

Trollbloods (Power of Dhunia)

  • Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
  • Trollkin Runebearer
  • Troll Impaler
  • Troll Impaler
  • Troll Impaler
  • Pyre Troll
  • Storm Troll
  • Troll Axer
  • Winter Troll
  • Dire Troll Mauler
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
  • Stone Scribe Elder



We played this game at my house, and I got to use the custom minefield terrain for the first time. The beta rules on the terrain stated that any model that moved within its area would have to roll a 1d6, and on a 1 the model takes a POW10 damage roll.

The scenario was Spread the Net 2021.

We deployed terrain using a template method of my own device, and after the terrain ended up including only a single obstruction, I revised it to require at least two. But this game included only a single obstruction: the gallows. That gallows was central and directly adjacent to a zone. One side had two forests, and the other side had a hill, a wall, and a pond.

My opponent won the roll and chose to go first. I picked the side without an obstacle that would obstruct my desert hydra. The area next to the minefield looked like a perfect place for my gargantuan to sit partially in the zone while attacking centrally placed enemies and blocking my warlock.

Troll Turn 1 

End Troll Turn 1

Trollbloods run forward. The impalers line up behind the gallows.

Skorne Turn 1 

End of Skorne Turn 1

The hydra runs into its spot in the zone, removing a piece of scatter terrain from the game. Keltarii sprint around the left flank. Incendiari head for the wall. Croaks run into the central zone. Rasheth arcs two Breath of Corruptions through a single Incendiari onto the corrosion-immune croaks, creating two acid clouds, but nearly killing the incendiari.

Trollblood Turn 2

End of Troll Turn 2

The axer moves up and threshes the two croaks in the acid to death. The pyre troll steps into the acid and torches two incendiari to death. Then an impaler moves forward and somehow misses a boosted shot against an extoller soulward. Another impaler crit slams a keltari into another keltari, killing the target and leaving the other knocked down.

A whelp moves up onto the flag, and on the other side, one hides behind a wall, eyeing the other flag.

Skorne Turn 2 

End Skorne Turn 2

The croaks oil the lead impaler, and the three remaining incendiari burn him to death. Rasheth arcs Blood Mark from one of the incendiari onto the axer. The desert hydra moves forward, setting off a mine and taking its POW10, which does no damage. He then spits acid and kills the axer. The keltari charge the whelp on the flag and kill him.

An extoller soulward takes the flag, hiding behind two incendiari. Skorne scores a flag, and each side scores their zone.

(Trollbloods 1, Skorne 2)

Trollblood Turn 3 

End of Troll Turn 3

The impaler with pulverizer charges a keltari, killing him, and rolls terribly, missing the other keltari within melee range.

The pyre troll, storm troll, and winter troll take out the rest of the incendiari, but poor rolls mean that the soulward on the flag lives.

Ragnor feats.

(Trollbloods 2, Skorne 4)

Skorne Turn 3

End Skorne Turn 3

The soulward on the flag takes a shot at the winter troll, doing some damage. The croak raiders charge. One hits a whelp and fails to damage it, and the two on the winter troll do a couple points of damage each before going stationary from the cold.

The hydra spits acid all over the pyre troll, but fails to kill it due to Ragnor's feat.

The keltari run, and then Rasheth channels Blood Mark through one onto the Dire Troll Mauler.

(Trollbloods 3, Skorne 6)

Trollblood Turn 4 

End of Troll Turn 4

The winter troll walks away from the stationary croak raiders and sprays the soulward on the flag to death.

Ragnor Hex Blasts his own winter troll to remove blood mark, and rolls good damage for the first time in the game. He gives the pyre troll pulverizer, the Mauler gives the pyre troll rage, and the storm troll gives him lightning fists. The buffed-up pyre troll charges the hydra, but his real target is the Wastelander. The first electroleap hits the agonizer and half-kills it, and that second leap hits the wastelander, who takes 3 boxes of damage but survives. The pyre troll finishes doing damage to the hydra in prep for the mauler to finish the job next turn.

The impaler contesting the flag kills a keltari.

(Trollbloods 4, Skorne 7)

Skorne Turn 4 

End Skorne Turn 4

Keltari charge and kill a few krielstone members. The remaining soulward and Aptimus Marketh take shots at the impaler, and the soulward takes the flag. A croak moves to contest the troll zone.

The desert hydra spits acid at the impaler, melting it.

Skorne scores the zone and flag, going to nine points, and securing a scenario win.

(Trollbloods 4, Skorne 9)

(Skorne victory!)

Final Thoughts

  • The desert hydra/wastelander combination has been performing very well. We're all expecting the wastelander's rules to be nerfed in the future.
  • Rich's dice were really bad this game.
  • I could easily have prevented the trolls from scoring their zone on turn two and three had I thought of it.
  • Rasheth actually never feated. I'd been saving it for when I went up against that Dire Troll Mauler and committed the hydra.
End Game

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