Skorne(Masters of War)
- Dominar Rasheth
- Aptimus Marketh
- Desert Hydra
- Basilisk Krea
- Agonizer
- Extoller Soulward
- Extoller Soulward
- The Wastelander
- Croak Raiders (min)
- Cataphract Incendiari (max)
- Praetorian Keltarii (min)
Trollbloods (Power of Dhunia)
- Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
- Trollkin Runebearer
- Troll Impaler
- Troll Impaler
- Troll Impaler
- Pyre Troll
- Slag Troll
- Troll Axer
- Mulg the Ancient
- Troll Whelps
- Troll Whelps
- Troll Whelps
- Troll Whelps
- Troll Whelps
- Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
- Stone Scribe Elder
This was a game we played at the FLGS. The scenario was Split Decision.
We deployed terrain using the Cluster method, and boy - was the terrain ever a cluster. A friend named this layout “The Two Towers”, due to the two central terrain pieces - tower obstructions. A wall and a forest lay between them on either side, and two pools of water lay on a table edge.
My opponent won the roll and chose to go first. I picked the side with more cover and water which the croak raiders could use to advantage.
Troll Turn 1
Trollbloods run forward. Ragnor puts up chosen ground.
Skorne Turn 1
Skorne moves up, the desert hydra putting up a sandstorm. The krea and agonizer hide behind it with a force aura and gnawing pain respectively.
Rasheth puts up castigation. The incendiari work to move around the muddy field, and don't get that far. The croak raiders get scared of the pyre troll and hide in the pond.
Keltarii run behind the far tower, trying to flank.
Trollblood Turn 2
The sandstorm/wastelander combination poses quite an issue for troll shooting. In the end, an impaler charges, putting some minor damage onto the hydra. Ragnor feats.
Skorne Turn 2
The keltarii continue their journey into the back lines. The hydra eats the impaler, snacking up to full health.
The wastelander steps over the wall to attack a whelp, planning to sprint back to safety. He needs a 5 to hit and misses, remaining exposed on the other side of the wall.
The incendiari throw fire around and the croak raiders continue to hide in the pond.
(Trollbloods 1, Skorne 1)
Trollblood Turn 3
An impaler charges the hydra and kills the exposed wastelander. The pyre troll sets Rasheth and the desert hydra on fire and kills Aptimus Marketh. The axer kills a keltarii advance scout.
(Trollbloods 2, Skorne 2)
Skorne Turn 3
Rasheth feats. Incendiari nearly kill the engaged pyre troll, and the krea comes forward to finish it off in melee.
The desert hydra walks over and sprays the pyre troll, hitting Mulg and triggering his primal rage. Mulg comes forward and smacks the hydra, and the hydra eats Mulg, then eats the pyre troll.
An Extoller soulward takes the flag. Keltarii position directly behind the krielstone for a turn four rear ambush.
(Trollbloods 3, Skorne 4)
Trollblood Turn 4
The slag troll melts the soulward on the flag.
(Trollbloods 4, Skorne 5)
Skorne Turn 4
The keltari make their rear assault at last, killing four members of the krielstone. If I had remembered that the Masters of War theme allows infantry to bypass tough, the 3 or 4 successful tough rolls wouldn't have applied. If I had remembered to add the additional +2 to hit from carnivore, that would have helped as well.
A croak warrior lands oil on Ragnor with boxcars, but no fire hits. The incendiari throw fire, failing to get more krielstone members.
The hydra, hampered by weight of stone, moves a bit and puts up a sandstorm.
(Trollbloods 5, Skorne 6)
Trollblood Turn 5
Ragnor gets pulverizer and rush, and walks around the tower, soloing the hydra.
(Trollbloods 6, Skorne 7)
Skorne Turn 5
The krea boosts and hits Ragnor with spiritual paralysis, lowering hit defense to 5. Then Rasheth puts blood mark on him and hits with two sunder spirit spells. The extoller soulward finishes Ragnor off with a spirit eye shot.
(Skorne Victory!)
Final Thoughts
- This was my first time playing Rasheth, and my first time with the Desert Hydra. I forgot a number of rules, and probably took far longer than I needed with a number of things. I can only hope that the speed improves in time.
- The desert hydra's sandstorm animus is better than I'd expected it to be, and the Wastelander continues to pay off his five points easily.
- My opponent's biggest mistake was on my turn 3 when he brought Mulg into the Hydra's melee range and I was able to take it out.
- Running the Keltarii behind the troll army was almost more about keeping the slag troll and axer occupied than anything else, but getting the late-game big hit on the krielstone was nice.
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