Thursday, July 21, 2022

Battle Report: Skorne (Makeda1) vs Crucible Guard (Bennet)

This was a game played at the FLGS, where my friend was playing his new faction, Crucible Guard, for the first time ever, hence the unpainted models, and the small 15 point game.

Skorne deployment

Skorne (Masters of War)

  • Archdomina Makeda
  • Agonizer
  • Baslisk Krea
  • Molik Karn
  • Nihilators (max)

Crucible Guard deployment

Crucible Guard (Magnus Opus)

  • Major Aline Bennet
  • Vindicator
  • Suppressor
  • Rocketmen (max)



The scenario we'd rolled was Split Decision, which has a zone for units, and three flags. Neither of our armies had solos, so scenario looked difficult.

The terrain was unusual for us, placed using a new method. It was very dense, with two lakes on one side, a crater in the zone with a flag in its center, and multiple houses and forests. Added to that were numerous single trees, placed as scatter terrain.

My opponent won the roll due to a re-roll granted by his theme, and chose to go first. I picked the side with the hidey spot behind the house and forest near the flag and objective.

Crucible Guard Turn 1

End Crucible Guard Turn 1

The rocketmen fly forward, moving well past the objective and flag.

Skorne Turn 1

End Skorne Turn 1

The nihilators circle up around the baslisk krea, within its three inch force aura bubble, getting +2 defense and armor against shooting. Makeda also gives them quicken, for another +2 DEF, bringing them to DEF 17 against shooting.

Molik Karn and the agonizer run forward.

Crucible Guard Turn 2

End Crucible Guard Turn 2

Rocketmen fly up around the side of the building and drop a bunch of gravity bombs on Molik Karn, doing decent damage. The suppressor boosts a shot into a nihilator, killing him and leaving the krea with withering humor.

Bennet feats, bringing in another unit of rocketmen and a solo.

Skorne Turn 2

End Skorne Turn 2

I'm expecting lots of rocketmen to fly over the cabin, so the agonizer moves up and screeches gnawing pain, lowering nearby enemies' strength by two.

Makeda feats and casts carnage, to give her allies +2 to hit, and they go to town. Nihilators go to town, killing half the new unit of rocketmen.

The krea puts up its force aura, and hits the suppressor with spiritual paralysis. Molik Karn attacks the original rocketmen, but is unable to roll a seven and only kills two.

Each caster scores a flag.

(Skorne 1, Crucible Guard 1)

Crucible Guard Turn 3 

End Crucible Guard Turn 3

The three rocketmen in the zone take shots at the DEF17 nihilators, but Makeda's feat keeps all but one alive. The vindicator takes a boosted withering humor shot at a nihilator, also catching the krea in the blast. The nihilator toughs. The suppressor has arcane propulsion from Bennet, and flies over the building and beats on Molik Karn from the rear arc, but has -2 STR due to the agonizer.

Bennet flies up and sets Molik Karn on fire.

(Skorne 1, Crucible Guard 1)

Skorne Turn 3

End Skorne Turn 3

Molik Karn's fire goes out. Makeda activates, knowing that she'll need to do things before Molik Karn can take out the suppressor. She casts carnage and charges the suppressor, confident that Molik Karn can do the job with a MAT9, and not wanting to waste a free charge. But I forgot that Molik Karn was missing two aspects. After buying an attack, I remember that I had wanted to jackhammer instead of buying an attack and I slap my forehead. After casting jackhammer, I notice that Molik Karn is missing two aspects, and so I spend Makeda's last fury fixing one of them, and leave her naked, on zero fury.

Molik Karn activates, but with one less damage die, he fails to kill the suppressor.

The agonizer moves up to the building and screeches spiritual affliction, preventing enemies from casting spells within 8 inches, and this easily catches Bennet in its area.

Nihilators kill a bunch of rocketmen, leaving just one in the zone.

(Skorne 1, Crucible Guard 1)

Crucible Guard Turn 4 

End Crucible Guard Turn 4

The suppressor and rocketmen kill Molik Karn, then turn to Makeda. She ends up on fire, but transfers all the damage to the agonizer, killing it.

The rocketman in the zone kills one of the two nihilators.

Bennet scores her flag.

(Skorne 1, Crucible Guard 2)

Skorne Turn 4 

End Skorne Turn 4

The last nihilator kills a rocketman and screams I'm the king of the mountain!

The krea moves up and activates force aura to protect Makeda.

Makeda, still on fire, kills the suppressor and one rocketman, but fails to sidestep back to the flag.

Skorne scores the zone, Crucible Guard scores a flag.

(Skorne 2, Crucible Guard 3)

Crucible Guard Turn 5 

End Crucible Guard Turn 5

The rocketman ace moves into the zone and shoots the king of the mountain nihilator to death.

The rest of the rocketmen shoot at Makeda and miss.

(Skorne 2, Crucible Guard 4)

Skorne Turn 5

End Skorne Turn 5

I'm realizing that there's no way for me to win on scenario, so this is my turn to position for a clutch assassination. Makeda gives herself quicken, and charges a rocketman, sidestepping after killing it. The krea moves up with its force aura, protecting Makeda.

(Skorne 2, Crucible Guard 5)

Crucible Guard Turn 6 

End game

After the fire damage, Makeda now has only three hits remaining. But she's DEF 21 due to the krea's force aura, quicken, and the concealment she got from the objective. Nonetheless, Bennet kills her with a flamethrower.

(Crucible Guard Victory!)

End game

Final Thoughts

  • In such a low-point game, Bennet's feat is very strong. I was effectively running my 15 point army against my opponent's 33 point army.
  • Not healing Molik Karn's aspects on turn 3 was my biggest mistake. If I'd done so, he could have killed that suppressor, and I'd have stood a far better chance.

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