Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Terrain: Docks

After learning a new method for laying clear glaze over blue paint to make water, I had the idea to create a dock terrain piece. I hadn't really planned it out ahead of time, but it came together fairly quickly.

I used green stuff and super glue to stick down the eight posts holding up the docks, then I laid balsa planks between them. Cutting the slats that would sit on top was time-consuming, but I'm happy with the end result.

I glued down a border of balsa around the edges, then painted it and the bottom of the piece blue. I glued down a few small rocks, then used a putty knife to apply clear gel gloss around and under the dock.

When that had dried, about 24 hours later, I glued down some brush and stones beneath the dock. Atop the deck, I glued down a couple terrain crates and a barrel which I made with some leftover green stuff.

The bank beside the docks was the toughest part. The first version, which is not pictured here, was too steep, and models wouldn't stay on it without falling off. This version is better, but still not perfect. I put a small wooden plank on one edge to make it a bit larger for warjacks, but you need to imagine that it's ground level, and simply move models up and down as if it were.

In the end, it's not a perfect terrain piece, but it's one step in my terrain journey. I learn something every time I make one of these.

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