Thursday, July 20, 2023

Battle Report: Cygnar Storm Legion vs Khador Winter Korps

Cygnar (Wolfe) vs Khador (Borisyuk)


A Cygnar vs Khador rematch. We rolled Recon II as a scenario, and used the Discord bot I created to generate a random terrain placement pattern, which gave us ten pieces of terrain plus scatter. The left side of the field had a small hill, cloud, lake, forest, and an acid pit. The right side had a large derailed train car, a weird rectangular forest, a larger hill, and a building at the edge of the map.

Cygnar Storm Legion

  • Major Anson Wolfe
  • Stryker
  • Stryker
  • Stryker
  • Alexia, Queen of the Damned (proxied by Alexia1)
  • Legionnaire Officer (proxied)
  • Arcane Mechanics
  • Stormguard Legionnaires
  • Stormguard Legionnaires (proxied by various stormblades)
  • Stormguard Legionnaires (proxied by various stormblades)

Khador Winter Korps

  • Kaptain Ilari Borisyuk
  • Medveditsa
  • Great Bear
  • Great Bear
  • Dire Wolf
  • Dire Wolf
  • Arkanists
  • Arkanists
  • Battle Mechanik
  • Battle Mechanik


Mark won the roll and chose to go first, and I picked the side with the large hill, which would aid my infantry on approach, plus I could put a barrier on top of it.

We both placed defenses - he placed a spike trap and a fire, and I placed a spike trap, powder keg, and the barrier on the hill.

Khador Turn 1

Khador lumbers forward in an unsightly red blob.

Cygnar Turn 1

Cygnar valiantly advances, blue armor shining, and mostly hides in the hedge. One unit of stormguard hides behind the barrier and gets stealth from a command card.

A unit of stormguard circles the far side of the building, and a stryker with snipe takes cover at the building's opposite corner.

Khador Turn 2

Left with few targets, Khador uses sapper to remove the barrier on the hill, and a warjack with superiority advances through the forest to within five inches and blows the stormguard to smithereens. Another Khador jack hides behind a stump, and a mechanic toes the zone.

Cygnar Turn 2

The stryker behind the building shoots out three arcanists with an AoE, and the mechanic with a power fist. Stormguard advance to protect the jack, and the officer takes the flag.

The other stryker energizes forward, aims and takes a shot at a mechanic on the flag, killing him and an arcanist. The melee stryker and stormguard run forward into the zone.

Wolfe feats, and Cygnar scores one for the flag and one for the zone.

Khador Turn 3

Borisyuk feats, leading to the abhorrent interaction we've always got to deal with when we play these two casters. Each time Khador kills a model, we each get a free attack out of it.

As he kills Cygnar models, most of Cygnar's attacks are electrobombard shots into a stealthed Borisyuk, doing unboosted blast damage each time at dice minus four. This leads Khador to stop killing infantry, and thus some live.

Medveditsa lays into the melee stryker, failing to kill it only due to poor dice. Borisyuk heads to the forest, where its concealment grants him stealth. The Cygnar officer on the flag survives being shot.

Cygnar scores one for the flag, bringing the score to 3-0.

Cygnar Turn 3

I know I can repair the melee stryker and do some serious damage to Medveditsa with Blessing of the gods and Positive Charge, but I only need two points to win. The flag is a gimme, but I spend time trying to figure out how to get the Khador warjack out of the zone. The best I come up with is a throw, which has a 1-in-3 shot of working, given that only a 5 or 6 inch throw will get the jack far enough out of the zone. The Stryker tromps up, throws, and rolls a 6, throwing the jack into the caster. We don't even roll damage, because the game is over, 5-0.

(Cygnar Victory!)

Final Thoughts

  • That throw only had a 1-in-3 shot, but it was a 1-in-3 shot to end the whole game, which is why I took it. I don't think I'd have had a great chance without that.
  • Area of effect attacks are good against stealth models - they auto-miss and always do blast damage.

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