Friday, October 21, 2022

Battle Report: Mercenaries (Gorten) vs Trollbloods (Ragnor)

This was a 75 point game between two friends of mine on a Friday night. The scenario was King of the Hill 2021. Interestingly, both sides had bashers. A troll basher vs a Ghordson basher.


Gorten Grundback (Hammer Strike)

  • Gorten Grundback
  • Wroughthammer Rockram
  • Wroughthammer Rockram
  • Ghordson Driller
  • Ghordson Driller
  • Ghordson Driller
  • Ghordson Basher
  • Ghordson Basher
  • Harlowe Holdemhigh
  • Ogrun Bokur
  • Ogrun Bokur
  • Thor Steinhammer
  • Horgenhold Forge Guard (max)
  • Stone Lord Guvul Godor
  • Holgenhord Artillery Corps
  • Tactical Arcanist Corps

Troll deployment

Trollbloods (Power of Dhunia)

  • Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
  • Trollkin Runebearer
  • Dire Troll Blitzer
  • Dire Troll Mauler
  • Dire Troll Mauler
  • Slag Troll
  • Pyre Troll
  • Storm Troll
  • Troll Impaler
  • Troll Basher
  • Troll Axer
  • Troll Axer
  • Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes
  • Stone Scribe Elder
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Troll Whelps
  • Dhunian Knot



The terrain consisted of a dust devil and knocked-over train obstruction on one side, and a building and pipe-wall on the other. The other outlying terrain was mostly inconsequential.

Trollblood Turn 1 

End Troll Turn 1

Trolls run up, the leaders hiding behind the building and the pipe-wall.

Rhulic Turn 1 

End Rhulic Turn 1

The wall of metal advances, the tactical arcanist corps spacing out and forge guard hiding behind. Bashers take the outlying zones, hoping to slam anyone foolish enough to claim said zone right on out of it.

Trollblood Turn 2 

End of Troll Turn 2

The pyre troll has a great time setting four heavies on fire, doing minor damage.

Ragnor feats, meaning Rhuls will do one fewer die of damage next turn.

Rhulic Turn 2

End Rhulic Turn 2

The fire does nothing to the heavily armored Rhulic jacks. One jack takes one point of damage. After some thought, Gorten decides he likes that idea, and tells his army to sit back and do nothing. After all, with that feat up they won't do much damage.

Gorten puts up a rock wall. He scores the end zone which isn't contested by the Troll's objective.

(Trollbloods 0, Mercenaries 1)

Trollblood Turn 3 

End of Troll Turn 3

The blitzer charges forward and kills a driller. The impaler then gets rage and assaults the rockram, slamming him nowhere. The pyre troll drifts fire into Harlowe Holdemhigh, setting him ablaze. A slag troll kills one member of the tactical arcanist corps, and flubs an easy roll on the second.

Ragnor knocks down the Ghordson Basher, and the Axer charges it, nearly destroying it. No scoring this round.

(Trollbloods 0, Mercenaries 1)

Rhulic Turn 3 

End Rhulic Turn 3

Gorten chooses not to maintain his rock wall. A driller lays into the blitzer, needing sixes to hit, and misses three times. The TAC kills a whelp.

The other driller damages the blitzer, and the wroughthammer finishes it off. The other wroughthammer staggers the impaler.

Gorten energizers to give the basher the correct angle, and then the basher slams the close axer into the storm troll, and neither is actually damaged. However, the goal has been achieved in that mercenaries will now score the zone.

The artillery shoots the troll basher. Two forge guard get charges and put some damage on the slag troll. Harlowe Holdemhigh kills both a whelp and a member of the Dhunian Knot.

The Rhuls score their second point.

(Trollbloods 0, Mercenaries 2)

Trollblood Turn 4

End of Troll Turn 4

The trolls are left with lots of fury, and the impaler frenzies, which was just as well since he'd been crit staggered by the wroughthammer.

A Dire Troll Mauler charges the Wroughthammer with rage and pulverizer, totaling a +5 strength boost. He rolls snake eyes on the charge, but kills it anyway, and then puts some damage on the driller. The basher and the slag troll then charge the other driller, damaging it.

A storm troll zaps one forge guard, and a dire troll mauler kills two other forge guard and one member of the tactical arcanist corps, despite two successful Rhulic tough checks.

The troll axer rolls exceedingly well, and kills the basher in the far zone, and then a krielstone grunt runs into the close zone to contest. Trolls score their first point.

(Trollbloods 1, Mercenaries 2)

Rhulic Turn 4 

End Rhulic Turn 4

Lots of dwarves are on fire. Thor Steinhammer burns down to one box. Gorten finally feats, pulling the Trollblood army closer.

The Rhulic artillery fires on the trolls, and forces a tough check on the troll axer and two krielstone grunts, killing one.

The driller with strength of granite murders a dire troll mauler and nearly kills the slag troll, leaving it on one box. An orgren bokur finishes it off.

The other driller attacks the dire troll mauler, taking out half its boxes, and then a wroughthammer attacks it, crit stalling it.

The forge guard charge, killing the mauler and the basher.

One of the forge guard is now in the basher's way, so it walks up and kills a krielstone grunt.

Each side scores one end zone.

(Trollbloods 2, Mercenaries 3)

Trollblood Turn 5 

End of Troll Turn 5

Trolls are now in a difficult spot.

The axer walks behind the wrecked train and threshers, killing the wroughthammer, but missing Harlowe.

The pyre troll, feeling amazing about how he's been performing this battle, throws fire at a forge guard and sets everything on fire.

The Axer threshers Guvul, but Guvul rolls tough. The axer hits a second forge guard with the thresher attack, but that second forge guard toughs. Then, the axer hits a third forge guard, but the third forge guard rolls his tough check. The fourth forge guard though? That fourth one dies. Then the axer buys an attack and kills Guvul. The storm troll hits the Ghordson basher.

Trolls score another point, tying it up.

(Trollbloods 3, Mercenaries 3)

Rhulic Turn 5

End Rhulic Turn 5

None of the fire on the dwarves expires, but only a single forge guard is killed.

The Holgenhord Artillery Corps hits a krielstone grunt and does four hundred and seven damage, but the grunt rolls tough.

A driller charges the storm troll, doing 17 damage and killing it. The other driller kills the troll axer.

The forge guard hit the other axer hard, and kill a whelp and a krielstone grunt. A bokur kills a krielstone grunt.

Harlowe shoots the surviving axer, lighting him on fire but doing no damage.

Both sides score.

(Trollbloods 4, Mercenaries 4)

Trollblood Turn 6 

End of Troll Turn 5

A very brave krielstone grunt charges the ogrun bokur and rolls 4,6,6 for damage, killing it.

The pyre troll throws fire at Gorten, setting him on fire. The impaler hits Gorten for 9 boxes, which are burned down to only 4 with focus.

The trollkin runebearer hex blasts strength of granite off of the driller, and then Rangor kills a forge guard with another hex blast.

Both sides again score a point.

(Trollbloods 5, Mercenaries 5)

Rhulic Turn 6

End Rhulic Turn 5

Much of the fire on the dwarves goes out this turn, but Gorten takes a point from the flame, and one forge guard dies from it.

The artillery shoots the impaler, and then the bokur charges it and kills it.

The driller attacks the pyre troll, killing that, and the forge guard charge the krielstone unit, killing the stone scribe elder.

The other driller kills a whelp, and then Gorten runs and hides behind two of his heavies.

Harlowe Holdemhigh shoots the axer, wounding it.

Both sides score one point.

(Trollbloods 6, Mercenaries 6)

Trollblood Turn 7

End of Troll Turn 5

Trolls' final turn. The axer threshers, killing both the bokur and Harlowe.

The krielstone unit hacks away at forge guard, but is unable to damage them.

The runebearer casts shockwave, hurting a driller.

Both sides score a point.

(Trollbloods 7, Mercenaries 7)

Rhulic Turn 7 

End Rhulic Turn 5

The forge guard take out the last of the krielstone unit, but one toughs. The driller comes up and finishes it off, then kills the runebearer and the Dhunian knot.

Thor runs to the flag, securing an extra point.

Trolls score their zone, but the dwarves now score two zones, plus the flag.

(Trollbloods 8, Mercenaries 11)

(Mercenaries Victory!)

End game

Final Thoughts

  • This was an incredibly long and grindy game, well-played on both sides, with some big important dice swings on both sides.
  • The pyre troll was an outstanding piece, and the whelps were also very good as per usual. On the merc side, I feel that Harlowe Holdemhigh was excellent.

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