- (Kozlov 1) Lord Kozlov, Viscount of Scarsgrad
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Juggernaut
- Kayazy Assassins (min)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
- Kayazy Assassins (max)
- Kayazy Assassin Underboss
- Kayazy Eliminators
Cygnar (Heavy Metal)
- (Stryker1) Lord General Coleman Stryker
- Squire
- Centurion
- Centurion
- Lancer
- Charger
- Storm Strider
- Journeyman Warcaster
- Charger
- Alain Runewood
- Cyclone
- Sword Knights (min)
- Arlan Strangewayes
Cygnar Turn 1
Cygnar runs forward, Runewood giving the sword knights pathfinder to get through the water. The two centurions get Arcane Shield, the sword knights get blur, and the cyclone gets snipe.
Khador Turn 1
Khador runs, The kayazy spreading out into the zones.
Cygnar Turn 2
The sword knights rush the kayazy, the chargers take a few ineffectual shots at jacks since the kayazy have stealth, and Arlan takes the flag. Stryker drops all the upkeeps he put up last round. The sword knights don't need blur - they're in melee, and Khador doesn't have any shooting. The cyclone is too close to need snipe, and I need to shift the arcane shield to the strider. The arcane shielded storm strider charges the kayazy and shoots up a juggernaut, resulting in three lightning generator attacks, wrecking a kayazi unit quite nicely. The centurions take positions in the center of their zones, and the cyclone puts up covering fire in front of the strider to protect it from kayazy charges.
Khador Turn 2
(no photo)The wall of juggernauts tramples through the forest, surprising the cyclone and the charger, and crippling an arm on each. On the left, two juggernauts begin beating on the storm strider. On the right, two kayazy cripple the charger and turn their eyes to the journeyman. No points are scored, as Khador has nobody on their flag, and the juggernauts are contesting Arlan's flag.
(Khador 0, Cygnar 0)
Cygnar Turn 3
Stryker starts thinking assassination, so the lancer runs into the forest. Then he finds out that Kozlov can't be knocked down, so no earthquake. Stryker just arcane bolts him for a little damage, and feats to be safe. The storm strider shoots Kozlov, hitting twice for good damage, but failing the assassination. Runewood runs up to try to grab the enemy flag. The journeyman flees to safety. The cyclone tries to throw a juggernaut, but since one arm is crippled rolls one fewer die, and fails the roll by one.
(Khador 0, Cygnar 0)
Khador Turn 3
(no photo)Kozlov takes his flag. The two packs of kayazy finish off the two chargers. A juggernaut throws the cyclone at Stryker, hurting him and knocking him down, but not killing him. Another juggernaut throws the centurion at stryker, hurting him even more, but none can quite get up to him. After the assassination falls short, my opponent turns his attention to keeping his own caster alive. Primary threat? Storm strider. Under Stryker's feat with arcane shield, it's ARM27. Two juggernauts and all the kayazy barely manage to take it down. Seriously - it almost didn't happen.
Then he realizes that he overlooked the lancer.

At this point, my opponent and I both laugh and marvel at firstly, how close this game is. Both of our casters are at somewhere around five boxes. Secondly, we laugh at the horrible disaster surrounding Stryker. He's lying in a tangle of warjacks and knockdown tokens. I mention to him a word I noticed recently: Imbroglio. That describes the mess pretty well.
(Khador 1, Cygnar 0)
Cygnar Turn 4
It's time to go as all-in as I'm able. The lancer gets three focus, and Stryker arcs a boosted arcane bolt into Kozlov before the lancer moves in and finishes him off.
(Cygnar win!)
Final Thoughts
- I'm not sure that this battle report sufficiently depicts how fun or how close this game was. It was both.
- Cygnar never really had a chance at a fair attrition fight here. Stryker was never going to punch through all those boxes. Even if I'd fully loaded both centurions and gone at the juggernauts, I could perhaps have taken out two of them with each plus the strider's help, leaving two after I was out of jacks. The kayazy made my shooting very ineffective, as they were able to run up with stealth before I could do much. Assassination was my only real shot. If Kozlov had stayed away from the strider and cyclone until they were each neutralized, I'd have had no chance.
- No knockdown on your caster is a big deal when you're facing Stryker1. Failure of the pop-and-drop almost spelled doom for me in this game.