As part of a lot that I purchased recently, I got a couple superfluous models. One was a second Arlan Strangewayes. I decided that as much as I'd liked the paint job I'd done on my first Arlan, I could do better. Plus, I had these nifty new bases that I wanted to put on some models. So the plan was to paint and base the new Arlan and sell the old one.

I'm very happy with the way his left eye came out, but I had a hell of a tough time with his right eye. It's as if the mold there just wasn't going to allow the paint to fall in a way that made the eye appear natural. It's still better than the old model, though.
I did some gold edging on the armor which you can see I hadn't done on the old one, and added some extra detail. I'm also happy with the color choices I made - there are many minor differences. Click to embiggen.
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