Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The Impending Stormlance MegaNerf

Pretty much everyone expects the next errata to nerf storm lances in some way. Storm lances do pretty much everything. They can get POW16 shots with electroleaps when a firefly and Laddermore are around. They can make POW12 impact attacks en route to their targets, where they each get a POW15 charge attack, a shot that's up to POW16 with the already-mentioned boosts, and two electroleaps. We get it. They're good. So what will Privateer Press do about it? Let's examine a few of the posibilities that have been bandied about.

  • Reduce storm lances' defense to 12. I can see this happening. Honestly, I wouldn't have much of a problem with this, and my guess is that most people wouldn't. Defense 13 on a unit this good is possibly a bit overkill. As long as they don't do this in conjunction with something else, I'm fine with it.
  • Remove assault. This would stop each lance from getting two e-leaps in a single turn and make their charges far less powerful, yet it would be a smaller nerf than some things that follow. I wouldn't be happy about the lances losing assault, but I'd understand if PP were to make this change.
  • Remove electroleap. I'm far less happy with this change, whether it means losing e-leap from the shots, from the melee attacks, or both. The electroleaps are a big part of the stormlances' identity. If they go away, there's a good chance that people just stop playing lances entirely. What sucks is that this nerf is actually a possibility - PP has made this kind of change in the past.
  • Change the way electrical immunity works. I've heard this suggested, and I think this would be the worst possible change to make. I've heard it suggested that an electric-immune model who's hit with an e-leap shot should just ground it out rather than acting as a spark node. This would make me sad, as it would remove so many options for dealing with high-defense or stealth targets. I suppose another possible change would be to reduce the distance of e-leaps from 4 inches down to some shorter distance, but I'd hate that as well.

I suppose time will tell what is actually done about Stormlances. The truth is that they're really the only truly good unit that Cygnar has, apart from maybe Trenchers.

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