Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 is out, and some of the new scenarios are outright bananas. After taking a close look at each of the new scenarios, I thought it would be worth spending a little time to give each a quick analysis and review.
Invasion is another favorite of mine, owning largely to the thematic nature of the scenario. The goal in this one is to capture an enemy objective and drag it back home. Once it's in your deployment zone, you basically win.Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Invasion
Monday, January 15, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Two Fronts
Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 is out, and some of the new scenarios are outright bananas. After taking a close look at each of the new scenarios, I thought it would be worth spending a little time to give each a quick analysis and review.
Two Fronts has two 50mm objectives, two 40mm objectives, and that one wacky 30mm objective.Sunday, January 14, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Payload
Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 is out, and some of the new scenarios are outright bananas. After taking a close look at each of the new scenarios, I thought it would be worth spending a little time to give each a quick analysis and review.
When I first read the Steamroller 2024 packet and came to the realization of what Payload actually was, it immediately became my favorite of the scenarios. I can't guarantee that will remain the case after I've actually played them, but the notion of pushing an enormous explosive payload towards an enemy building is so narratively cool that it makes the scenario just work.Payload includes two 50mm objectives, two 40mm objectives, one 30mm objective, and two flags, which of course become the scenario terrain pieces.
The inclusion of one 30mm objective rather than two immediately caught my attention. The 40mm objectives are placed symmetrically - the first player will begin 22 inches from the opponent's 40mm objective, and the second player will begin 17 inches from his opponent's 40mm objective, due to the second player's further deployment. The flags and the 50mm payload objectives are also symmetrical. But then you have this crazy 30mm objective which sits only on one side of the board, just nine inches from the second player's deployment zone. This feels like a fairly large player two advantage, especially since capturing that area of the board will make it easier to push the payload right into the scenario terrain.
When a player scored a 50mm objective (these objectives I'll refer to as "the payload") he moves the objective three inches toward the opponent's objective terrain. Furthermore, the payload is pushed an additional inch for every other objective that the player scored that turn.
As if that weren't enough, there's the Made to Haul rule, which allows a cohort model a free 5 inches of after-activation movement directly towards it, allowing that cohort model to potentially score (and push!) the objective again on their opponent's turn. The movement is five inches rather than just three to allow for extra movement that the objective may have gotten from scoring other objectives, but because of the was the rule is worded, it's also possible to use that movement to move a model other than the one pushing the objective. This should allow for some interesting movement shenanigans.
I can easily visualize a mob of models blocking the payload from making it those last few inches. It's such a dramatic image. I've already spoken to a friend with a 3d printer and suggested creating 50mm objectives that look like a giant pile of explosives, specifically to use for this scenario.
Stay tuned for our analysis of the remaining two Warmachine scenarios in Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 packet!
Saturday, January 13, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Wolves at Our Heels

Friday, January 12, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Battle Lines
Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 is out, and some of the new scenarios are outright bananas. After taking a close look at each of the new scenarios, I thought it would be worth spending a little time to give each a quick analysis and review.

The scenario elements in Battle Lines are 30mm and 40mm objectives, and two flags which will become terrain scenario elements.
The scenario elements in Battle Lines are actually completely symmetrical, which is unusual for steamroller 2024.
Scoring begins, as always, on the second player's second turn, which gives player two the first chance to score. Starting then, after points are scored, the player ending their turn must move one of the table's four objectives three inches toward the opponent's table edge.
As straightforward as this sounds, there's a lot to think about and take note of here. Firstly, unlike other scenarios, in Battle Lines, an objective is moved every turn regardless of whether it was scored or not. Also, the player ending their turn can choose any of the four, which is important to note because in other scenarios only some objectives will move.
Scenario elements are moved towards the opponent's table edge rather than directly towards the table edge. This is important to note, because as long as you're moving just a half millimeter towards that table edge, you can take the rest of the movement sideways.
The last thing to note is that when you move objectives, they'll move through any models in their way if they can get completely past them. If not, the objective must stop its movement short. This means that if you want, you can theoretically block the objective's movement. It's unclear to me whether you can have it hit a building and stop, or whether you're then required to have it move to one side in order to get its full three inches of movement.
Stay tuned for our analysis of the remaining Warmachine scenarios in Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 packet!
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Making Sense of Steamroller 2024: Recon MK4
Privateer Press's Steamroller 2024 is out, and some of the new scenarios are outright bananas. After taking a close look at each of the new scenarios, I thought it would be worth spending a little time to give each a quick analysis and review.
Today, we'll be looking at the first scenario, Recon MK4, which is easily the most straightforward Warmachine scenario in the packet.
One of the more substantial changes to Steamroller 2024 is the change to deployment zones. The first player will now deploy at only six inches rather than seven, which was previously the case. The second player gains an inch, now deploying at eleven inches rather than ten. Thus, the total distance between the two players remains the same, but one player gains an inch, and the other loses an inch. We can hope that this may alleviate first player advantage.
Killbox is still twelve inches, and the game is still fixed at seven rounds.
Gone now are circular and rectangular zones. They are replaced by 50mm objectives, 40mm objectives, 30mm objectives, 20mm flags, and 20mm caches. The 50mm objectives are scored by warjacks and warbeasts; models must be within 3" to score or contest. 40mm objectives are scored by units. All members of the unit must be within 3" of the 40mm objective to score it, and a model within 3" can contest. The 30mm objectives are scored by a solo within 3", and contested at 3" as well.
The cache is a new scenario element. Caches can be scored by any model, but that model must give up its combat action while base-to-base with the cache in order to score it. A scored cache is removed from play, and can thus be scored only one time, similar to destroying an objective in Steamroller 2023.
The flag is an extremely interesting new scenario element in steamroller 2024. Before deployment, each player moves their own flag to a terrain piece within five inches of that flag. It cannot be a hazard or a piece of scatter terrain, but any other terrain is valid. That terrain is now a scenario element which can be scored by any two models within two inches. You heard me right - any two models. So you might have a warbeast and one model in a unit within two inches, and that's good enough to score it. If the terrain piece is something like a cloud or a forest, it can also be scored from within the terrain piece. However, while bunkers and guard towers can be scenario terrain elements, models cannot score from within a bunker or guard tower.
Looking at the Recon MK4 scenario, it's pretty straightforward.