Wednesday, January 31, 2018

CaptainCon and My First Attempt at Nemo3

I'm super-excited to go to CaptainCon this weekend. I've had about seven games of Warmachine total since Steamroller 2017 dropped last summer, and I'm hoping to get in a bunch over the weekend. Casual games all - I'm not enrolled for any tournaments - but I am indeed excited.

My plan is to try out Nemo3 for the first time, as I've never played him before. I've got three variations on a list, and perhaps I'll get to try out all three.

The first is mainly just to include all the new models I've painted and never really used, and will likely be the first one I try.

Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division

(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25]
 - Dynamo [18]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Squire [0(5)]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [0(4)]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
 - Firefly [8]
Major Katherine Laddermore [8]
Storm Lances (max) [20]
Stormblade Infantry [10]
 - Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard [0(5)]
 - Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3) [6]
Storm Strider [18]

It's a fairly vanilla Nemo3 list - very much what I've seen other people playing. I only own one Storm Strider and two Fireflies, or else I'd consider an extra of each, but I do very much like having three storm gunners. If the Firefly is in place, getting a bunch of boosted POW16 shots on feat turn will melt a heavy pretty well, doing 6.5 damage EACH to an ARM20 heavy. Even the non-gunners threat up to 14" with assault, and they'll auto-hit anything that a storm gunner hits first, so high-DEF Circle, Legion, or Cryx models beware! In addition, the list has eight lightning generator shots on feat turn, although I may lose those from Fireflies if I run them.

My second list is pretty similar to the first.

Cygnar Army - 74 / 75 points
[Theme] Storm Division

(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25]
 - Dynamo [18]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Squire [0(5)]
Journeyman Warcaster [4]
 - Firefly [8]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [0(5)]
Stormsmith Stormcaller (3) [0(5)]
Storm Lances (max) [20]
Stormblade Infantry [10]
 - Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard [5]
 - Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (2) [4]
Stormsmith Storm Tower [4]
Storm Strider [18]

This list is pretty similar to the first, dropping Laddermore and a storm gunner to pick up six Stormcallers. The reason I'd go for this variation is if I was looking at a list with a lot of stealth. That, plus I bought some extra stormcallers and I want an excuse to put them all on the table. Along with the stormblade standard and the storm strider for extra triangulation options, I figure I might get lots and lots of boosted POW 10s.

The last of my three lists is my attempt to play Nemo3 in Heavy Metal. Losing lightning immunity for all models seems like a poor way to go, but with Finch helping to max out focus on all Nemo's jacks, there are some good options here.

Cygnar Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Heavy Metal

(Nemo 3) Artificer General Nemo [+25]
 - Dynamo [18]
 - Firefly [8]
 - Lancer [10]
 - Stormclad [18]
 - Thunderhead [20]
 - Squire [0(5)]
Captain Arlan Strangewayes [0(4)]
Journeyman Warcaster [0(4)]
 - Firefly [8]
Storm Strider [18]

This list actually includes an arc node, which is something Nemo really wants. I might eventually need to incorporate that into my Storm Division list once I get a better feel for what I want there. Plus I really like Thunderhead, and the thought of a series of double-boosted autohitting shots with him feels pretty amazing.